update 11.25
Rutger is still in 10th position, but he is all alone now and loosing time on the group with brown, al-sultan, mcCormack, Marino...
Stadler leading
lieto at 6.10
group at 9.20
rutger at 13.20
Rutger is still in 10th position, but he is all alone now and loosing time on the group with brown, al-sultan, mcCormack, Marino...
at the 59 mile sign
Stadler is leading.
Rutger is not in the top10, which is published on Ironmanlive.com. That makes it difficult to know were he really is. We have pieter standing at the 40 mile sign. Will update as soon as we know more
Luc Van Lierde was the first to start the bige leg.
I am a little early with my blog today. This is necessary, because tomorrow is the big day and I have to get up at 3.45 am (so, I have to go to bed early too!).
Vandaag zijn we er vroeg bij met onze blog. Dat is nodig, want morgen is het de grote dag en ik moet om 3.45 in de morgen opstaan (moet dus ook vroeg gaan slapen!).
Today’s blog is a quickie for the blog fans. A day of relaxed training (see yesterday’s blog) looks a lot busier in reality. This morning, I got up at 7.30 am. First a quick shower, then a good breakfast and at 8.30am we left for the town center, to register for the race on Saturday. We made it to the register desk at 8.55 and even had to wait a few minutes before the registration office opened at exactly 9 am. At 9.30 am we drove to the swimming pool, but it was closed because of technical problems, so we decided on the spot to switch to the open sea for our swim, even though this actually did not fit very well in our training scheme for the day. At noon we drove home and had a big lunch (a table with 7 people). A little siesta, then played a little bit with Tille and then at 2.45 pm I did an interview with Frank Van De Winkel en Ronny Ceuleers (from 2 Flemish newspapers). At 4 pm, I jumped on my bike for a good bike ride, with a photo session out of a driving car while I was biking (Claude behind the steering wheel and Pieter behind the camera). At 6 pm we were back home. At 7 pm I have done a radio interview with Radio1 (a Flemish radio station). At 7.30 pm I had dinner, followed by a failed attempt to talk with a reporter from Radio 2 (another Flemish station). At 8 pm I have read in some booklets and watched TV for a while. At 10 pm I went to bed.
Gauw nog een klein blogje voor de liefhebbers. Een dag van relatieve rust (zie blog van gisteren) ziet er in werkelijkheid toch heel wat drukker uit. Vanmorgen om 7h30 opgestaan. In alle gauwte onder de douche, dan een stevig ontbijt en om 8h30 vertrokken naar het stadcentrum om ons in te schrijven voor de wedstijd. We kwamen aan om 5 voor negen en moesten zowaar nog effe wachten tot de inschrijving openging om 9h. Om half tien naar het zwembad gereden, maar dat was gesloten wegens technisch defect. Dan maar terplaatse beslist om in de zee te gaan zwemmen, hoewel dat eigenlijk niet paste in ons trainingsschema. Om 12 uur naar huis gereden en daar uitvoerig geluncht (met zevenen aan tafel). Effe gerust en gespeeld met Tille en dan om 2h45 een interview gedaan met Frank Van De Winkel (Nieuwsblad) en Ronny Ceuleurs(GV Antwerpen). Om 4 uur nog een stevige fietstraining, met onderweg fotosessie vanuit rijdende wagen (Claude aan het stuur en Pieter aan het fototoestel). Om zes uur waren we terug thuis. Om 7 uur een interview gedaan met Radio1, voor het avondlijke sportprogramma. Om 7h30 avondmaaltijd en dan een mislukte poging om te praten met iemand van Radio 2. Om 8 uur nog wat boekjes gelezen en wat TV gekeken. Om 10 uur in mijn bed gekropen.
To prepare for the Ironman World Championship, I annually follow a rigorous training scheme. In this blog, I will tell you about one of the biggest secrets of every athlete...his training plan. A normal preparation for Hawaii typically takes 10 to 11 weeks and consists of 3 main blocks.This year, I started on august 7 with a high-altitude camp of 3 weeks in Font-Remeu (Pyrenees, France). Going to Font-Remeu is also a little bit going “back to basics”. I stay in an excellent sports center with an outstanding sport accommodation... but with second-class housing facilities: small rooms of 2 meter by 6 meter (including the bathroom), a public toilet in the aisle and a “Spartan” cuisine. These first 3 weeks could thus be defined as “me, myself and triathlon”. Three weeks of hard work, hundreds of kilometers uphill and downhill biking in short and long laps. On top of that tens of kilometers of swimming and running, because all disciplines must be treated equally. The focus in Font-Remeu is on basic endurance training. The last two years I finish my high-altitude training by driving from Font-Remeu to Monaco, where I test the first training effects of my camp. From my yesterday’s blog, you already know what happened in Monaco.Immediately after Monaco, I returned home. For about 10 days I took it easy and awaited the “super compensation” of the high-altitude camp. For my second training block, I traditionally go to Club La Santa Sport in Lanzarote. A fantastic accommodation, combined with tough training conditions: the ideal place to hurt yourself a little on the fire mountains (uphill and against strong headwinds I can hardly manage to bike at 15km/hr). It is that wind and the tough biking conditions that I find attractive, two elements that also are abundantly available in Hawaii. The second block takes 10 days and is more specifically tailored towards Ironman Hawaii. After Lanzarote, I returned home and left for Hawaii 5 days later. After my arrival, I first give myself some 3 days to adapt to the local time and climate. Then I start with the specific preparation for the Ironman race: a new block of about 12 days of very specific labor but now under real race conditions, followed by 8 days of what we call relaxed training.Tomorrow I will reveal another athlete secret and will give you a detailed overview of my training schemes....well, on second thought, probably not…. ( a chef will not reveal his cooking secrets to his competitors either!!!).
Elk jaar herhaal ik een uitgekiend trainingsschema in voorbereiding van het Ironman World Championship. Bij deze verraad ik u een van de grootste geheimen van een atleet, namelijk mijn planning.
On October 21, I will participate in the Ironman Hawaii, the most important triathlon of the year. In order to keep my supporters and sponsors updated, I plan to write down a daily report here, describing how I prepare for the big race in Kona and what is happening.