Wednesday, November 15, 2006


We have arrived in Canberra today without problems. One surprise though: the temperature! After weeks of tropical temperatures in Hawaii and Brisbane, we now got a scaring 15 degrees Celsius upon us. Hence, the first thing we did was to look for a sweater deep down in our luggage. Luckily the weather forecast predicts slightly higher temperatures for the remainder of the week, going up to 26 degrees on Sunday. I remain a bit skeptical though, especially since the swimming starts at 6.30 in the morning and the bike leg about an hour later. Starting today, the leader of our Belgian delegation in Australia is Yves Steyaert. Jules Clonen, who had been with us previously, went back home. We are lodged here in a very nice hotel and, just like in the previous 6 weeks, I am sharing the room with Stijn Demeulemeester. Aside from the temperature, there was actually a second little surprise. The time difference between Canberra and Brussels, Belgium has increased to 10 hours. That is actually good news for the people in Europe who want to follow the race live on internet. We will start at 6.30 AM local time, which is 8.30 PM Saturday evening in Belgium. The race will take me (hopefully) about 6 hours, so around 2.30 AM on Sunday, you will be able to go to bed!


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